Fundraising 2015-16



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How to Find Us

The school is in the village of Llangynidr, a beautiful rural setting at the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park, mid way between the market towns of Abergavenny and Brecon and four miles from Crickhowell.

To find the school, when travelling on the main road through the village B4558, turn off opposite the Village Hall onto Duffryn Road. Take the First turn right onto Church Close. Continue on this road and the school is on the left hand side.,-3.2319078,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x486e2936c63d6de3:0x3cf0c26d551192da!8m2!3d51.8665606!4d-3.2297191



We have an on-line form to notify us of your child’s absence. Go onto the link below to report all absences, otherwise the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

If your child is ill, please inform school in the usual way by phoning the office or by sending us a message by email first thing in the morning, then submit the form at your earliest convenience.

Further information regarding attendance can be found on the Welsh Government website:

Welsh Government states;

“Parents and carers are responsible for making sure that their children of compulsory school age receive a suitable full-time education. Only head teachers, and not parents or carers, can authorise an absence. Schools must consider whether the reason for absence is reasonable before doing so.

Totals for attendance and punctuality will be included on the Annual Report.

Our PDG funding

Llangynidr Primary School PDG Statement

The Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) is allocated to schools with pupils who come from low-income families and are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (e-FSM) and pupils who have been looked after continuously for more than six months (LAC).

Schools are expected to make the best use of this funding to implement sustainable strategies that will quickly bring about changes for learners eligible for free school meals or who are LAC.

As a school we have agreed the following three steps:


  1. to identify the target group of pupils, its characteristics and needs
  2. to plan interventions which make the most effective use of resources
  3. to monitor and evaluate the impact of resources

In 2016-17 Llangynidr Primary School was provided with a PDG allocation of £7,950.

At Llangynidr Primary School we have a comprehensive plan, agreed and monitored by Powys Local Authority and ERW, to promote progress and remove barriers to learning for students eligible for this funding.

We will be using the funding available to:

  • provide specific high quality training for school staff, including Incredible Years
  • Fund additional LSA hours for guided reading and intervention sessions
  • Purchasing Nessy subscriptions
  • Funding extra curricular provision
  • work in partnership with other schools, the community and other organisations- Friends programme.