Llangynidr Pre-school

Llangynidr Pre-school

Llangynidr Pre-school provides a play based education for children aged 2-4. Children aged 3+ are invited to play every day Monday-Friday 9- 3:15pm whilst children aged 2 are able to join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9- 12pm. Find us on Facebook at “Llangynidr Pre-school” to see some of the activities we get up to.

For more information please contact Deborah Hansford on 01874 731022 or Llangynidrpreschool@outlook.com

View our statement of purpose here: 2021 Statement Of Purpose

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts


Nancy Cavill – Cub Secretary 1st Llangynidr Scout Group

We run Beavers, Cubs and (soon) Scouts packs in the Village Hall on Friday evenings. Please contact our Group Scout Leader, Mark Critchley, for more information by emailing 1stllangynidr@gmail.com. 
Facebok page https://www.facebook.com/1stLlangynidrScoutGroup

cubs-pic cubs2

List of Governors

Lea Appointed Governors

Cllr R Harris

Mr G Taylor

Mrs G Denney

Mr D Williams, Community Council

Parent Governors

Mrs M Williams

Mr T Cox

Mrs J Gold

Mrs S Jones

Community Governors

Mr D Young (Chair)

Mr G  Barlow

Mr O Miles

Staff Governors

Mrs S Shepherdson

Mrs R Bufton

Mrs K Willett

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs. A Cuthbertson-Smith


Fundraising 2015-16



school council hot chocolate now upgraded with milk so it is more creamy!

it’s the best!